Thankfully, we’re nearing the end of the 2021 wildfire season, but that doesn’t mean homeowners throughout Northern California don’t need to worry about fireproofing their homes. This post will cover everything you should know about how to fireproof your home:
- Use fire-retardant chemicals and materials: Eco-friendly, fire-retardant chemicals should be sprayed in areas prone to fires. These products create a chemical reaction to stop or slow down a fire as it spreads. Additionally, consider using fire-resistant materials like steel, brick or concrete instead of wood when making home improvements.
- Get rid of vegetation: Excess greenery surrounding your home puts your property at risk during wildfire season. Dry shrubs and trees are particularly vulnerable to catching fire, so be sure to prune those back. You’ll also want to keep your lawn free from any fallen leaves or pine needles.
- Plant fire-resistant trees: Speaking of plants, one good tip for how to fireproof is to plant fire-resistant trees in your yard. Replace pine or cedar trees with cherry, birch or poplars, as these are more resistant to wildfires.
- Keep your gutters clean: Clearing debris from your gutters is another crucial component of fireproofing. Dry leaves, needles and twigs in your gutters are more likely to catch fire when there’s a wildfire nearby. You can also hire our team at Nor-Cal Maintenance Inc. to install gutter shields that keep your gutters debris-free.
- Upgrade your windows: Fireproofing your home can start with windows, as the fragile glass in single-pane windows breaks in high heat, leaving your home susceptible to fires. Upgrade to double- or triple-pane windows for better fire protection and increased energy efficiency.
- Invest in fire extinguishers: A high-quality fire extinguisher can be the difference between containing a fire and losing your home. Fire extinguishers have different ratings depending on the types of flames they’re designed to put out. Look for extinguishers with an ABC rating, and purchase one for every room in your home.
- Install smoke alarms: Many home fires occur in the night, when people are asleep. Working fire extinguishers in every bedroom can be the difference between life and death. Test your alarms at least once a month and replace your batteries yearly to ensure you’re protected.
- Upgrade to fire doors: A fire door is designed to hold back flames and smoke for an extended period, giving you and your family plenty of time to escape in an emergency. Talk to a professional before installing fire doors, as they must be properly fitted to work effectively.
- Consider fireproof carpets: Synthetic and wool carpeting can accelerate the spread of a fire. There are plenty of options for fire-resistant carpets on the market these days in any color or design you can imagine. If you don’t want to replace all of your carpeting, at least treat it with the fire-retardant chemicals mentioned earlier.
I want to fireproof my home—where do I start?
Fireproofing your home starts with the steps above, but for complete protection, contact the team at Nor-Cal Maintenance Inc. We have decades of experience fireproofing homes to drastically reduce the chance of catastrophe.